A theme that pops up often in my work is transience; subjects which are weathering, in collapse, or under construction.

Music past, 2022

Leaf, 2022

Ghosts also appear often in my work. Not in the spirit-world sense, but the ghosts of other things left imprinted on the world around us. The patterns left behind by a long-faded sticker. The emptiness of what used to be a switch box. Movement trails captured in the memory of a digital camera during long exposures – recording something that never actually existed.

Switch box, 2023

Train passing through Hetzendorf station, 2023

I am fascinated by reflections and the way they distort the resulting photographed image, or mix the worlds of what's behind the glass and what's in front, leading us to question the accuracy - or not - of what our eyes see and the camera records.

Reflection, 2022

I also have a hang towards documenting the mundane - especially in "highbrow" spaces. There is a certain contrast or tension between the image these spaces project and the need for more everyday items within them.

MoMa, 2014

Toilets in a gallery basement, 2021

Patterns come up time and time again, most often in my street photography, and especially when they are broken. I often photograph patterns in a minimalistic way, looking for the subtely shifting changes in the rhythm of the pattern reminiscent of minimalism in music. There's a certain reflection here of the imperfection also recorded in my photos of weathered subjects.

Chicago street grate, 2022

Due to a visual impairment, I often invert colours when using a computer, meaning much of my online world is in colour negatives. This has led me to experiment with colour inversion in photo editing. One of these experiments resulted in a self-portrait which won the student section of the ViePA Vienna Photo Awards in 2022, another was exhibited as part of the banner exhibition accompanying a series of outdoor concerts.

Self-portrait, 2022

Basketball hoop, 2021

Recently, I have been documenting my commute and exploring some of my feelings about 9-5 corporate work. This is just one example of a theme I might consider exploring for a final major project. There's also an aspect of transience here with the movement from one part of life to another. The commute is a liminal space, a buffer between these.

Vienna Central Station, 2024

Another possible route for exploration revolves around fantasies people live out through taking on a “persona” for parts of their lives, e.g. in the world of theatre, in the furry community, or through live action roleplay.
Transience, dichotomy, (ir)reality, contrasts, (im)perfection; these are the themes that currently follow me, and which I would take into any project I might explore as part of the MA at Falmouth.
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